BollyX ~ Friday, October 13th at 5:30pm
Start your weekend off right with some dancing!
BollyX is a high intensity Bollywood cardio workout. Move to the heart pumping beats of Bollywood, get ready to feel that muscle burn and unleash your inner swagger.

Fremont Location Now Open
Flow Fitness has opened its second location in downtown Fremont. Located at 710 N. 34th Street, our new 13,000 square-foot club is unlike any other fitness facility in Seattle and offer members the ultimate fitness experience.
We’ve seen the trend in fitness, people have grown tired of the traditional gym and want better results and a higher-level fitness experience. Boutique studios, CrossFit gyms and training gyms are on the rise. We also know that the cost for these niche fitness experiences may not be feasible or sustainable for many. At Flow Fitness Fremont, you have access to several high-quality fitness programs plus a self-service gym at one place, for one great price.
Our Fremont location features:
Barre: In our dedicated studio, Flow Barre classes blend ballet, Pilates and strength training into a comprehensive total body workout. Our classes use a combination of large and small movements to keep your heart rate up and target specific muscle groups.
Cycling: Our music inspired classes incorporate the latest Schwinn technology to give you the feel of an authentic ride with performance metrics to continually challenge yourself. Our stadium-style cycle studio has a state of the art sound and light system which provides the energy and motivation to keep you coming back for more. We also provide cycle shoes to keep your experience authentic.
Strength and Conditioning Gym: Our nearly 3,000 square foot gym is focused around functional training and is unlike most commercial gyms. If you’re frustrated with your current gym or not getting the results you want, this is the gym for you.
Team Training: Flow Fitness coaches lead programs designed to increase conditioning and muscular endurance through the use of multi-joint/ multi-plane functional movements. Each session starts with a complete mobility and muscle activation routine. The remainder of the session consists of a series of timed training “blocks “ using kettlebells, dumbbells, TRX-Trainers, slam balls, battle ropes, sandbags, and our High Intensity Interval Training equipment for a complete metabolic workout. Team Training workouts change on a monthly basis to ensure mastery of each movement and allow participants to create progression. Our 1300 square feet of dedicated space ensures that each TEAM has room to move and the training toys to match!
Training: In addition to Team Training, we offer small group and personal training programs which make high-level training accessible for all levels and budget. Our certified trainers give you the knowledge, support and motivation to reach a new level of fitness.
Yoga: Escape the chaos of everyday life and connect to your breath, your body and your life in our beautiful yoga studio. Flow’s yoga program is dedicated to creating a supportive space in which yoga practitioners of all levels can learn and grow. Flow Yoga classes include mindful, intelligent teaching and sequencing with highly trained teachers from a blend of yoga traditions. We offer a comprehensive program that consists of classes appropriate for beginners through seasoned practitioners, including restorative, yin, power flow, slow & steady and more. We also offer workshops to encourage you to deepen your practice.
Locker rooms: We offer premium locker rooms featuring Keyless locks, showers, towel service and full amenities.
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Meditative Mountain Retreat – October 28th
Let’s get out of the city and inhale the ridiculous beauty of the PNW. Gain healing wisdom from Mother Earth and reconnect with your own inner, still voice during a guided meditation and a silent 3.5 mile, low elevation gain hike. We’ll debrief the victories and defeats discovered over a picnic lunch. You’ll leave with a clear mind and a game plan to soothe the day-to-day craziness of being human.
October 28th from 9 – 11:30am
Led by fellow member,
Michelle Allen, Ecotherapist
Michelle works in a high integrity, low razz environment to explore, contemplate, wrestle with, and celebrate the breathtaking (…and often maddening) nuances of being human. You can find her leading meditative retreats in the PNW mountains or meeting 1:1 with clients for reiki, energy analysis, and counseling in Seattle.

Trainer Consults
15 minute 1-on-1 trainer consults to help interested members learn how to use our new equipment as well as assist members in finding alternative functional exercises.
These consults will be offered September 25 ,2017- September 29, 2017 and October 2, 2017-October 6, 2017. You can reserve your spots online by clicking here.
Best Foods to Eat Before a Workout
Some people are under the impression that working out on an empty stomach is the ideal situation. These people couldn’t be more wrong! You could end up with low blood sugar, which can destroy your workout motivation and undermine your progress. That’s like trying to take your car for a cruise when the fuel indicator is pointing to “empty.” The right foods can give you all the energy you need for a top-notch workout and help your body move into ideal fat-burning, muscle-building mode.
Plan to eat about an hour before your workout. With the right fuel, you’ll be ready to give your workout routine everything you have. The right fuels for an upcoming workout are complex carbohydrates and plenty of protein. Here are a few great ideas for ideal snacks.
Oats. This humble, often overlooked grain is full of fiber, which helps give you an enduring energy boost over a period of time. They’re also full of B vitamins, which help your body turn those carbs into workout energy. A cup or so before exercising will keep you going harder, longer. Prepare them the night before by soaking them in almond milk or cook them on the stove. Add a little fruit while you’re at it!
Whole Grain Bread. If you don’t have time to cook oats, grab a slice of whole grain bread for a similar effect. Remember the critical difference between whole wheat bread and whole grain. You want whole grains, which have complex carbs and plenty of fiber. Be mindful of what you put on it. Sliced turkey or hard-boiled eggs will give you the protein you need. Natural, no-sugar added jam or honey can provide a quick burst of energy until the carbs in the bread get broken down.
Bananas. Some people compare bananas to energy bars. They’re portable, individually wrapped and full of nutrients that can take your workout to the next level. Bananas have plenty of easily digested carbohydrates, as well as potassium, a critical electrolyte for nerve and muscle function. Bananas are particularly ideal for those who work out first thing in the morning. Combine it with high quality protein for a perfect start to your day.
Fruit and yogurt. Yogurt is high in protein, typically low in fat and loaded with digestive-tract enabling probiotics. You can fuel up for your exercise routine while also keeping your gut healthy and happy. That, in turn, can help improve your mental clarity and focus, as gut bacteria is linked with improved mental healthy and well-being. The fruit will provide a range of vitamins or minerals, as well as carbohydrates for immediate exercise energy.

BollyX ~ September 15th at 5:30pm
Start your weekend off right with some dancing!
BollyX is a high intensity Bollywood cardio workout. Move to the heart pumping beats of Bollywood, get ready to feel that muscle burn and unleash your inner swagger.
Back to School Fitness: How to Avoid the “Freshman 15”
So, you’re starting college? Congratulations! The beginning of college is an exciting time, filled with hopes, dreams…and stress! You may have heard of a phenomenon called the “freshman 15.” This refers to the possible weight gain that can occur during the first year of college due to numerous factors. Let’s think of some ways to avoid this.
1. Let’s Talk Breakfast.
The Dairy Council of California states that if you skip breakfast on a regular basis, you are more likely to gain weight. Seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Breakfast gets your metabolism going!
You might want to start off your day with a couple of hard-boiled eggs and spinach. A healthy breakfast can provide you with the necessary fuel to focus and concentrate on your classes throughout the day.
2. Let’s PARTY
You have your freedom. You’ve been wanting this for a long time. It’s time to let loose! But be careful with the booze. Alcohol can really pack on the pounds when consumed in large quantities
Here are two tips for mitigating the caloric effects of alcohol:
Drink a glass of water after each glass of alcohol.
Eat a good meal before you head to the bar.
3. Run for Your Life
Make time in your schedule to do the type of exercise that you enjoy! If you don’t like to run, don’t tell yourself that you will run every morning because you will quickly lose motivation. However, try to do some cardiovascular exercise each day. Walk to class instead of taking the bus. It’s good for your health, and you will be more alert during class.
4. Sleep Your Way to Success?
More and more studies are being done on the quality of sleep and how that affects your performance. Everybody has different sleep needs in terms of the average amount of sleep per night, but there is some agreement on how to get quality sleep.
If possible, make sure your bedroom gets as little light as possible while you sleep. Pitch black would be best. Also, try to reduce or eliminate the amount of noise. Sleeping fewer hours, but without interruption, may be just as good, or better, than sleeping longer with noise in your environment.
5. Take 20
Did you know that it takes around 20 minutes for your brain to understand that you’re full? There is a slight delay while you are eating in understanding how much food you have consumed. This is empowering information because if you eat slowly over a period of 20 minutes you can prevent overeating. Take your time, enjoy your food and help your digestion at the same time.
6. Watch Out for the Soda
Many students reach for a soda (or two or three) while they are studying to give them that extra caffeine and sugar boost. Over time, that’s a staggering number of calories. One possible solution is to shift your schedule slightly. For example, if you went to bed at 1 a.m. instead of 3 a.m. you may not need the caffeine or sugar that soda provides and you might also sleep better!
There are many challenges and stresses in starting your college career. However, the “freshman 15” need not be one of them. The above tips might help you to lead a more relaxed, healthy approach to this exciting time in your life. Good luck out there!

Body Spec Scan ~ September 21st 6:30-11:30am
The Body Spec Truck will be at Flow on Thursday, September 21st from 6:30-11:30am.
Save $5 with code: BSPECFF
Schedule your scan here.

BodyCombat ~ Friday, August 25th at 5:30pm
BODYCOMBAT is a high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is totally non-contact. Punch and kick your way to fitness – no experience needed. Learn moves from Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira and Kung Fu. Release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ. Bring your best fighter attitude and leave inhibitions at the door.
We have a regular Thursday, noon class and in the fall will be adding a Saturday class. In the meantime, try it out on Friday, August 25th at 5:30 pm.